Singapore’s Leadership Shift: Lawrence Wong Set to Become 4th Prime Minister by 2024

Passionate Design Agency
3 min readNov 6, 2023


Singapore's Leadership Shift: Lawrence Wong Set to Become 4th Prime Minister by 2024

As another chapter in the political history of Singapore nears, the island city-state is preparing to welcome its fourth Prime Minister since independence. The current leader, Lee Hsien Loong, announced during a recent party conference that he would soon be ending his tenure of nearly two decades. His successor will be none other than Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister, Lawrence Wong, whose take-over of the country’s ruling political machinery, the People’s Action Party (PAP), is expected before November 2024.

Upon taking over, Wong will assume remarkable responsibility, following in the footsteps of his predecessors, and one in particular, Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding leader, and father to its current Prime Minister. Yew is widely celebrated for his leadership in establishing Singapore as a significant player in the global economy.

Having comfortably cruised to power back in 2004, he led Singapore for close to 20 years. Although he had intended to step down before turning 70, the road to political transition was complicated by the unexpected withdrawal of deputy prime minister Heng Swee Keat.

Significantly, Wong will become only the second Singaporean Prime Minister not belonging to the illustrious Lee family. A longtime public servant, Wong has gained valuable experience in various government sectors including defense, education, and national development. Besides serving as deputy prime minister, he is also the finance minister and chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the country’s central bank.

A notable highlight of Wong’s political career was his commendable handling of the COVID-19 pandemic as co-chair of the country’s task force, which managed to keep the death rates low thanks to early adoption of mass vaccinations and strategic travel restrictions.

Lawrence Wong’s latest venture, Forward SG, aims to chart a comprehensive plan for Singapore’s future. In a report released by the group last week, areas of improvement in education, job training, and environmental policies were outlined. In Wong’s own words, “We want to embrace wider definitions of success.” According to political analysts, this report could also function as a ‘soft launch’ for Wong’s forthcoming campaign.

Despite these positive developments, challenges persist. Singaporeans are growing increasingly dissatisfied with the escalating cost of living, particularly housing. This discomfort was apparent in the 2020 general election where the PAP secured just about 61.2% of the votes, a percentage that paints a significant drop from their previous victories.

Moreover, the ruling party is struggling with political scandals. In July, Transport Minister S. Iswaran, was arrested for alleged corruption, while two PAP lawmakers resigned over a high-profile extramarital affair. These incidents, along with heightened geopolitical pressures and a slower global economy, pose significant challenges to Singapore’s next leader.

However, when questioned about the mounting issues, Wong emphasized accepting the world as it is, and not what we would like it to be. In the wake of his upcoming assignment, he expressed readiness and eagerness to lead, reflecting his steadfast commitment and resilience. As Singapore looks towards the future, the hope lies in their ability to navigate these challenges under the sturdy leadership of their new impending prime minister.

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